Brief History

Hello and welcome to the Department of Distance Studies. This is an exciting time for distance education and adult education. Its also a historic event.

Hello and welcome to the Department of Distance Studies. This is an exciting time for distance education and adult education. Its also a historic event. In 2005, the Senate of the University of Nairobi approved the syllabus for a MASTER IN DISTANCE EDUCATION. The Senate had previously approved:

Postgraduate Diploma in Adult Education and Community Development Postgraduate Diploma in Distance Education.

The first class of the Master in Distance Education reported on 2 nd December, 2006.  The course is being offered by face to face and distance learning/teaching. This is the first graduate course on distance education in Africa. We ask all distance educators in Kenya and Africa who are teaching without skills to enrol in the course and help Africa to reach all the adults and children who are out of school due to lack of access to educational opportunities.

The total tuition fee is Kshs. 286,000 for Kenyans and Us 5000 dollars for non-Kenyans. The course duration is two years. Please apply and join the future of learning.